The Evaluation Association of St. Louis has partnered with the Greater Boston Evaluation Network to offer this virtual learning opportunity.
The Zoom link for joining the event will be sent out prior.
Session Abstract:
Community health needs assessments are beneficial for many reasons, such as obtaining information on the current strengths of communities, identifying gaps and areas for improvement, and determining how organizations can partner together to improve community health. Data from these assessments are useful for enhancing programs, creating new initiatives, and strengthening community collaboration among multiple sectors. In this professional development workshop, evaluators from Massachusetts General Hospital will utilize their experiences in conducting community health needs assessments to provide insight on aspects such as the planning process, data collection, and implementation planning that will provide participants with helpful methods to consider and potentially implement in their own needs assessments. Through hands-on activities and interactive discussions, participants will learn and increase their knowledge of conducting community health needs assessments and associated considerations, including how to incorporate diverse community voices and ensure buy-in from all stakeholders involved, to bring back to their own communities.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the different aspects of a community health needs assessment
2. Incorporate health equity and community voice throughout the assessment process
3. Learn how to ensure collaboration and buy-in for the process and final outcome of the assessment
Danelle Marable is the Senior Director of Evaluation, Assessments & Coalitions for the Mass General Center for Community Health Improvement (CCHI). She plays a pivotal role in the strategic direction of the Center and leads CCHI’s evaluation activities, managing a team of four internal evaluators.
Danelle oversees the Center’s four multi-sector community coalitions in Charlestown, Chelsea, Revere and East Boston, working to identify health priorities and develop effective responses. She is a member of the Partners Community Health Worker Collaborative, charged with formalizing the role of CHWs at Mass General and throughout the Partners system. Danelle directs the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) process for Mass General, and in 2019 she co-led the North Suffolk CHNA, a first ever collaborative health needs assessment for the cities of Chelsea and Revere and the town of Winthrop. She is a member of the Association for Community Health Improvement (ASCHI) and the American Evaluation Association. She is the President of the Greater Boston Evaluation Network and serves on the Advisory Board of the West Virginia University Department of Sociology & Anthropology.
Prior to joining Mass General, Danelle was the data and research coordinator at the American Academy of Physician Assistants. She received her BA in Anthropology from the University of Central Florida and her MA in Applied Social Research from West Virginia University.
Cassandra Tavaras is a Project Manager/Team Lead on the Evaluation and Strategic Support Team at the MGH Center for Community Health Improvement. Over the last five years, she has managed youth development program evaluation and qualitative data collection and analysis for community health needs assessments, coordinated the administration of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and facilitated the process of reporting program details annually to the Attorney General. Cassandra strives to work collaboratively with program staff and community partners to determine program outcomes and measurement tools that will provide insights to improve out of school time programming for young people. Cassandra received a B.S. in Human Development from Wheelock College, an M.A. in Urban Education Policy from Brown University, and an M.A. in Sociology & Education from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Kelly Washburn is a Project Manager at the Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Community Health Improvement (MGH CCHI). In her role, she manages research, evaluation, and needs assessment projects focused on multi-sector community coalitions along with the quantitative data collection for community health needs assessments. Acting as an internal evaluator, she employs a participatory, utilization-focused approach with her partners to determine the best methods needed to ensure they have the data they need to make lasting changes. She is also the Program Chair for GBEN. Kelly received her B.S. in Health Sciences from the University of Central Florida and her Master of Public Health from Northeastern University.